I was sitting down doing my budget. Cringe! I've gotten in the habit of not worrying as much and simply focusing on the now and present. Tomorrow's burdens will take care of itself when that time comes. Plus, I can look at my past and recognize that I have made it through times I first thought were simply impossible. God has been consistent- He has taken care of me. I praise Him and thank Him. That mentality sort of helped to transition me into today's topic. I'll break down the sequences because sometimes on the outside looking in, it may seem that I jump around a lot.
Okay, to help me focus on today and not worry about tomorrow and those struggles I had to remind myself to focus on God:
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33
Well that led me to think about God and doing His will. So I began to ask myself questions:
1. What's my job? Well, I first landed at glorifying His name.
In relation to that first question I wondered:
2. What's my role, more specifically as it pertains to God's will.
I had to challenge myself to look at the bigger picture. What exactly was the bigger picture and where was I in the grand scheme of things?
And that's whereI got stumped...
I needed to marinate on this one a little bit- What exactly is God's will? So of course I started researching into various sites and scriptures regarding God's will. I landed on one particular site: Scripture on God's Will (http://psalm40.org/verses.html) and read a few scriptures from that site.
I must admit that I was still stumped until I came across a set of scriptures:
"having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,
having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth- in Him.
In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory."
Ephesians 1:5-12
From that set, two scriptures stuck out- "having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself" and
"In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will".
Since my background is in counseling I, of course, zoned right in on that word "counsel." Anyone who is familiar with counseling, is probably aware of the dynamics of that relationship between the counselor and client. It's typically a friendly, bi-directional relationship set in a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere. The counselor and client typically work, or collaborate together to meet the goals established at the beginning of that relationship. Both counselor and client become acquainted with other and acknowledge that power struggles do not exist within that relationship or setting. Simply put, it's two people with a common goal: walk together through whatever journey gets created by their dynamics. It's a team. An unit. A collaboration.
That's when my wheels began to turn.
In order for me to do things according to God's will, I must walk with God, become familiar and acquainted with Him.
Let me stop for a moment to tell you about a very special person in my life: my best friend. She's the "Frick" of my "Frack." Sometimes it seems as if I know exactly what she's thinking. Sometimes she even finishes my sentences for me. How? Because we have gotten to know each other. We have shared and disclosed things; we have spent time together.
From the beginning, it almost appeared that we were somehow, magically on the same wavelength. Yes, even from the start. It was a very natural and easy transition into our friendship.
Wanna hear some really exciting news? The same can be said about Christ. Because He is in me, we're on the same wavelength:
"having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth- in Him."
Ephesians 1:9-10.
Thus, God and I are already on the same wavelength. So that part of the "battle" is already accomplished and me, as a mere human, really didn't do much work (just believed in Christ and accepted Him into my life).
The next part, to me, has been the hardest though. I actually have to allow Him, listen to Him. Continually. Consciously.
Why has this been hard, especially given the fact that I continually ask Him, tell Him, give Him permission to completely reign over me and use me how He sees fit?
Well, this request is different from other prayers, I feel. You see, God gave us His word of free will. That particular aspect of His word (free will) doesn't necessarily work like a permanent contract though.
Okay, you know those contracts that you sign with a business or service and acknowledge that the entity may change their conditions within the working relationship (ie the date they take out their payment from your banking account, when the actual bill or statement is due, any "extra" fees that may come up where they would charge you). You know, those contracts. And as long as they give you the heads-up before it happens- and yes it will happen regardless- you acknowledge your agreement with those terms.
Have you ever had that happen to you- where you find yourself looking over your bill and think "Where did that come from?" or "Why did they change that?"
How did you feel afterwards? Cheated? Conned? Did you feel that particular business was sneaky and consequently gave yourself a "Time to wise up to the game" lecture? I did.
Well God doesn't work like that. Praise Him! He doesn't pop up and show you the contract you foolishly signed months ago and say, "Remember when you signed here, here, and here and initialed there and there? Well you gave me permission to do so..."
God's not sneaky. God's very open. Why? Because He loves you. He loves me. So although He has the power to do whatever He wants, He's loving enough to let us collaborate with Him. He really does care about our opinions and insight.
It's so funny- a few weeks ago I had this dream where I was talking to God. It was an actual conversation too. Not like the ones I've had with my friends where I'm half listening or not even listening at all because I'm just waiting on that person to shut up so I can make my point.
Oh don't act like you've never done it :o)
Well, in this conversation, I could feel, sense, that God was asking questions out of genuine curiosity. He really wanted to get my opinion on the topic. Even more so, He reallyconsidered my comments afterwards. He gave them serious thought before He said, "Okay."
Yup, that's the God we serve!
So to go back to my point- we have to allow God into my lives and decisions. That's part of the collaboration. He's never going to force us- He doesn't work that way. He would be going against His own word of free will, which is impossible for God.
So yes it would be simple to say, "Okay God, use me. I give you free reign" and then step back and let Him perform His works. But think about it like this: if God did all work, you wouldn't be necessary or needed. Your role would be of no importance. And always remember you do have a role....I have a role. And yes, you are important to God...I'm important to God.
So, yes we have to make a conscious decision each and every time. Each and every moment. Each and every minute to allow God to work through us. Again, it's collaboration, not dictatorship.
This is where I have always gotten stumped though. I sincerely wanted to do His will, I just didn't know what He will was....
But the bible called me out on my bluff: "having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,"
Because Jesus sacrificed Himself in order to give up His precious spirit, so that all who believe in Him would have that spirit within them, I do have the information within me.
I've been been taught that God gave us everything we need to survive in this realm. To survive through the struggles and trials. And He did- through Jesus Christ:
"These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I have the knowledge and the wisdom to do His will, but because it's His will, I need to communicate with Him. That's the piece I was missing...
That's why I would become so frustrated and cry out, "I can't hear you! You won't tell me Your will so I can do it."
And that's when I had to call my own bluff and say, "He has planted the will in you, thus you know it. And better yet- how to get to it. You're just too lazy, and scared, but lazy to go after it."
Yeah, the truth isn't always so easy to swallow :o/
Where does this fear come from? Well, I truly believe in Him and His power. In the last few months alone He has revealed some BIG and HEAVY things to me. And I know He hasn't even put a tiny dent in showing His breadth or width even after all of that. While that fascinates me, it also scares me.
Where does the laziness come from? That fear. I have always kept within my comfort zone. It was safe. It was familiar. It was comfy. At first I thought I didn't push myself because of fear of rejection- my perfectionism wouldn't be able to handle the disappointment or let down.
But now, I know it was because of my fear of what I could do. My possibilities. My success. I wasn't scared of failing, I was scared of flying. That fear of allowing God to expand my breadth and width almost paralyzed me. Please note that I said almost.
Do you remember a while back when I shared my dream about flying? Well that's what I feel I can do. Not because of me, but because of Him. Because I have God. Thing is, God will only work miracles based on how much I trust Him... how much I allow Him....how much Icollaborate with Him:
"Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?" Galatians 3:5
So how do we walk this journey? We're already on the same wavelength because of Christ. That map is already instilled in us. In me. But I have to become familiar with it. Like my relationship with my best friend I have to spend time with God. I have to read God's word, the bible. I have to meditate on His word. I have to fast so I can hear His voice more clearly. I have to talk to Him constantly.
Have you ever spend hours on the phone with your best friend? Females may nod their heads more readily than males :o) During these conversations you and your friend talk about everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. You share your dreams, your fears, your joy and your pain. You call her up just to tell her about something that happened earlier that day that was so funny or silly. Sometimes the conversations last only a minute- just a quick "Oh my gosh- I gotta tell you what just happened!"
And sometimes you're just silent because words are not necessary. Over time, your friendship grows, deepens. You find yourself immediately going to that friend over every little thing. And there's no such thing as secrets.
I find that I go to my best friend because I know she'll listen, give sage advice, and/or cheer me up. And she'll do all of that with 0% judgment and 100% care.
Well God is like that, but better! Infinitely better!
How quickly I find myself calling my best friend, I have to do that with God. My best friend's number is on speed dial; God's accessibility is even more open. He's always available. I just have to reach out to Him. I just have to communicate with Him. I just have tocollaborate with Him.
I look forward to the moment when I can readily pick up His thoughts for me. When I can readily finish His sentences directed towards me...
Be blessed saints! I leave on this scripture:
"Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed. For the LORD, thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."
Joshua 1:9
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